Boiler Upgrade Scheme

Boiler Upgrade Scheme Grant Increasing from £5k to £6k

The UK government has announced that the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) grant is increasing from £5k to £6k for air source and ground source heat pumps. This change comes into effect on 23 October 2023.

The BUS is a government scheme that provides grants to homeowners and businesses to help them install low-carbon heating systems, such as heat pumps and biomass boilers. The scheme is designed to help the UK reduce its carbon emissions and reach its net zero targets.

Heat pumps are a particularly efficient form of heating, as they can extract heat from the air or ground outside, even in cold weather. This means that they can provide heating and hot water for a home with less energy than a traditional gas boiler.

The increased BUS grant for heat pumps makes them even more affordable to install. For example, if you were to install an air source heat pump for £10k, you would now be eligible for a £6k grant, bringing the cost down to £4k.

This is a significant saving, and it makes heat pumps much more competitive with traditional gas boilers. In fact, heat pumps are now the cheapest form of low-carbon heating to install in many cases.

If you are thinking about replacing your old boiler, or if you are installing a new heating system in a new build property, I urge you to consider a heat pump. Heat pumps are a great way to reduce your carbon emissions and save money on your energy bills.

Benefits of heat pumps

  • Heat pumps are more efficient than traditional gas boilers, which means that they can save you money on your energy bills.
  • Heat pumps produce fewer carbon emissions than gas boilers, which helps to reduce the UK’s impact on climate change.
  • Heat pumps are a renewable technology, which means that they can help to reduce the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels.

How to apply for the BUS grant

To apply for the BUS grant, you must first find an MCS-certified installer. MCS certification is a scheme that ensures that installers are qualified to install low-carbon heating systems.

Once you have found an MCS-certified installer, they will be able to help you apply for the BUS grant on your behalf. The application process is relatively straightforward, and the grant should be paid directly to the installer.

Eligibility criteria for the BUS grant

To be eligible for the BUS grant, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must own a property in England or Wales.
  • Your property must be heated by a fossil fuel boiler.
  • You must be replacing your existing boiler with a new heat pump or biomass boiler.

If you meet all of the above criteria, then you should be eligible for the BUS grant.

You can find out more on the link below.


The increase in the BUS grant for heat pumps is a great news for homeowners and businesses who are considering switching to low-carbon heating. The grant makes heat pumps much more affordable to install, and it makes them a more viable option for many people.

If you are thinking about replacing your old boiler, or if you are installing a new heating system in a new build property, I urge you to consider a heat pump. Heat pumps are a great way to reduce your carbon emissions and save money on your energy bills.

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